Huskies in the Know 1/21-1/24/25

Important Dates to Know:

1/20-MLK Day (no school)
1/21-Board Meeting @7pm
1/22-Vision 2030 Day
1/23-3 on-3 Basketball Tournament at Legacy High School (5:30 pm)
1/24 – Power of Choice Applications close (4:30 pm)

1/28-Health Presentation for 6th grade parents via TEAMS @7:30pm

1/29-"We are One" Day

2/6-5th Grade Field Trip-"The Wiz" (any referrals resulting in ISS/OSS will forfeit a student's opportunity to attend)
2/7-6th Grade Health Presentation @ 9:00am

5th Grade Field Trip-"The Wiz"
The Icenhower 5th graders have been invited to watch the play “The Wiz” on Thursday, Feb. 6th at the Center for Performing Arts. Your child will receive a permission slip next week.

The cost of the field trip is $5 (to cover the cost for the busses). The forms and payment deadline is Friday, Jan. 31st (NO EXCEPTIONS-NONREFUNDABLE). If you are paying cash, your child will turn that in to Mrs. Douglas or Mrs. Young during lunches.

Students receiving ISS or OSS from now until the field trip will NOT be able to attend.

The Wiz Field Trip Payment ($5.00 nonrefundable)


6th Grade Health Information for Parents

According to our state Health TEKS we are to cover some Health topics at the middle grades related to sexual health. This is a completely optional unit that requires parent permissions. You can find a link to our state Health TEKS here.

Our school has partnered with Youth Equipped to Succeed (YES) to provide information on relationships and sexual health. Through these programs, students are provided research-based information on how to achieve optimal health and are encouraged to focus on their dreams and goals. You are invited to join us for the Parent Presentation to preview what the students will see and receive tools and strategies for communication with your child.

Parent Program:

Location: Microsoft TEAMS (online) LINK BELOW

Date: January 28, 2025

Time: 7:30 pm

The student program will be presented via TEAMS to students on Feb 7 (6th grade) and Feb 13 (7th grade).

Youth Equipped to Succeed believes strongly in connecting students to positive messages and healthy relationships that will help them navigate cultural pressures. Through their programming, students of all ages, backgrounds and circumstances are equipped with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills they need in order to achieve more healthy and successful futures.

To view an outline of the program content, please visit the Youth Equipped to Succeed website at:

After the parent meeting if you need to change your permission, please follow the procedure and contact

Click to Join the 6th Grade Health Parent Meeting 1/28 @ 7:30 pm

3 on 3 basketball tournament


Please read Huskies in the Know newsletter to stay up to date with the events taking place at Icenhower.