Huskies in the Know 1/13-1/17/25

Important Dates to Know:

1/13-2nd Semester Expectations assembly during P.E. classes
1/16-All Pro Dads @ 7:30am  Keeping it Real-Handling Conflict Resolution @ Icenhower (all feeder patterns welcome)-6pm
1/20-MLK Day (no school)
1/23-3 on 3 Basketball Tournament at Legacy High School (5:30 pm)
2/6-5th Grade Field Trip-"The Wiz" (any referrals resulting in ISS/OSS will forfeit a student's opportunity to attend)


*The cutoff to check out students or change the mode of transportation for the day is 3:00 pm*

*Parents and students should not be on cell phones during the pick-up line. This delays movement*

*Please do not speed through the pick-up lines. This is a big safety concern. Also, please be courteous to our crossing guard and teachers on duty. Do not park in any parking lot during drop off and pick up. No drop-off/pick-up in the back or side of the building.

*Biker shorts/leggings can be worn with a top that completely covers the rear end and front of the body. Tying a jacket around the waist will not suffice.

*Reminder-School starts at 8:30 am. Students are tardy after that time*


Keeping it Real Presentation


The Fifth Graders are going on a Field Trip!

The Icenhower 5th graders have been invited to watch the play “The Wiz” on Thursday, Feb. 6th at the Center for Performing Arts. Your child will receive a permission slip next week.

The field trip cost is $5 (to cover the cost of the busses). The forms and payment deadline is Friday, Jan. 31st (NO EXCEPTIONS-NONREFUNDABLE). If you are paying cash, your child will turn that in to Mrs. Douglas or Mrs. Young during lunches.

Students receiving ISS or OSS from now until the field trip will NOT be able to attend.

Pay for the field trip 

For more information about the current events at Icenhower, please read the weekly newsletter.